Statement of Responsibility
All cardholders accept responsibility for any use of their library card and agree to abide by library policies and procedures. Cardholders must present their library card or their mobile device with their library card barcode on it for all account transactions. Cardholders must pay for all lost or damaged materials and pay all fines and fees incurred on their card. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for all fines, fees, lost or damaged items on their children's library cards until 18 years of age.
Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately and change of name, address, or phone number should be reported promptly.
The East Brunswick Library is a member the Libraries of Middlesex County Automation Consortium (LMxAC). LMxAC is a consortium in central New Jersey that pool their resources to provide collections, services and programs beyond the resources of any one member library.
East Brunswick library will issue library cards to those who meet the qualifications for one of the library cards listed below. All circulating materials may be checked out to every valid cardholder within the parameters of the type of card issued and the policy restrictions held by each library in the consortium. If a library card is already issued by another library in the consortium, East Brunswick will issue a card only if the cardholder is in good standing and their library card is not blocked for usage.
1. Residents
a. All individuals who reside or own property in the Township of East Brunswick must use a valid library card or their mobile device with their valid library card barcode on it issued by the East Brunswick Public Library. Residents can apply for a library card at the Circulation Desk or online www.ebpl.org/signup. Library cards applied for online will be mailed to residents and will allow the cardholder to use the library's numerous online databases and e-resources. Adult residents applying for a library card in-person, renewing their card, or when checking out physical library items the first time using their library card obtained online, must provide proof of residence or a current tax bill on property owned, and children under the age of 18 must have authorization given by a parent of legal guardian.
b. An exception is made when a parent or guardian has granted permission via a completed library card application when a student is either participating in a class trip, or submitted through the Media Center School Librarian or teacher. Students attending East Brunswick schools can renew their library card using their current year school identification cards.
c.Children's Provisional Library Card
Children under the age of 18 presenting proof of residency or proof of enrollment in an East Brunswick school may secure a provisional library card without parental permission, which will allow borrowing privileges for 1 year. The child will be allowed to have a maximum number of 5 library items checked out on their card at any one time (excluding rental items, museum passes, iPads and lendable kits). Overdue fines will not be charged, but the child’s provisional card will be blocked from further checkouts if they have any lost or damaged items on their account. A welcome letter will be sent to the child’s parent or guardian informing them that their child was issued a provisional library card and to ask them to bring proof of residency with their child’s next library visit or to sign the welcome letter so that when the child returns the signed letter they can be switched to a permanent resident card.
All resident cards are renewable every three years.
2. Non-Residents
a. Non-Resident Student
The library issues and renews full service library cards to non-resident students, Kindergarten - 12th grade, attending East Brunswick public schools, private schools in East Brunswick, or Middlesex County Vocational-Technical High School in East Brunswick as part of their high school curriculum. Cards issued to non-resident students are valid through the current school year ending August 31. The library requires the student to provide proof of current attendance to obtain a full service card.
b. Works-in-Town
The library issues and renews full service library cards to individuals who are regularly scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week in East Brunswick. Applicants must present annually a letter from his/her employer stating that he/she works 20 hours or more per week, and present a pay stub or cancelled check as proof of employment. Individuals teaching in public or private schools located in East Brunswick and Township employees are exempt from the 20 hours a week minimum schedule and will be issued a library card after demonstrating proof of current employment.
Non-resident Township employees who are classified as “Seasonal” are not eligible for an East Brunswick Public Library card.
c. Purchased Cards
All purchased cards are valid for one year from the date of purchase. Additional cards are issued to other family members residing at the same address for an additional $3 each.
A "Full Service" card entitles the purchaser and immediate family to all of the materials, programs and services afforded a resident cardholder. The annual fee for this card is $125.
d. Volunteers of East Brunswick Library and Township
The library issues and renews full service library cards to non-resident individuals who currently volunteer a minimum of 1 hour per week for six months at East Brunswick Library or to individuals who are current volunteers of the East Brunswick Township First Aid Squad or the Volunteer Firefighter’s Squad. Individuals volunteering as either a First Aid Squad member (EMT) or a volunteer firefighter, for any amount of hours, must provide annually a current letter from the East Brunswick Township or Department where they volunteer, stating they are a current volunteer of the First Aid Rescue Squad or the Volunteer Firefighter’s Squad.
The full service library card entitles the individual and immediate family to all the materials, programs and services afforded a resident cardholder. The annual fee for this card is waived as long as the individual is a current volunteer.
e. MURAL (Mutual Reciprocity Among Libraries) and Open Borrowing Program
The library issues and renews MURAL and Open Borrowing Program library cards to non-resident individuals whose libraries participate in a reciprocal borrowing agreement with MURAL and Open Borrowing Program libraries. Individuals must show a valid library card from a MURAL or Open Borrowing Program library and one additional form of identification. The home library is contacted by staff to validate the library card’s expiration date and assurance that the library card is in good standing. If the home library is not immediately accessible, as a courtesy, their hometown library card will be modified for a period of 30 days, with the ability to checkout a limit of two-items on the card at one time, until the home library can be reached for library card validation. MURAL and Open Borrowing Program library cards are issued for one year and entitles the individual to checkout all circulating materials, except museum passes, lendable kits, iPads and online databases. Interlibrary loan service is not available to Mural or Open Borrowing Program cardholders, but holds can also be placed on East Brunswick items.
3. Replacement of Cards
The library charges a $3.00 non-refundable replacement fee for lost library cards. At no time is any individual permitted to use more than one valid card.
4. Use of Cards by Others
Resident cards are issued to individuals. A resident card may be used by other family members or a caretaker with the cardholder’s permission, unless that member's own borrowing privileges have been revoked.
Non-resident cards are issued to families and may be used by other family members residing at the same address. Works-in-Town cards and Non-Resident Student cards are issued for individual use only, and are not eligible for use by other family members. No cards are transferable for use by non-family members under any circumstances. The library reserves the right to require another form of identification when a card is presented for use.
5. Lost or Stolen Cards
Cardholders must immediately report a lost or stolen card to the Circulation Department. Cardholders are liable for materials charged out from the time of loss to the time reported. The cardholder’s maximum liability for materials charged on a reported lost or stolen card is $50.
The library sends the cardholder up to three notifications of overdue catalogued and uncatalogued materials. However, the responsibility for returning borrowed materials and paying all fines and fees accrued is not conditional upon the cardholder receiving overdue notification.
The library revokes borrowing privileges when $10.00 or more in overdue fines, fees, and/or lost materials has accrued and/or is posted on the cardholder’s account. Staff restores borrowing privileges promptly when materials are returned, found, or paid for and accounts are settled.
The library offers customers pre-overdue courtesy reminder notices, via email only, for items coming due in 3 days. Customers can sign-up for email notification on the library’s website @ www.ebpl.org or during library hours by telephone @ 732-390-6950 or in-person at the Circulation Desk.
The Circulation Manager is authorized to revoke privileges at any time before issuing notices, when abuse of borrowing privileges so warrants.
The library uses any legal means available to effect return of materials, including securing the services of a commercial collection agency and/or prosecuting in municipal court under pertinent laws and ordinances. In addition to the charges, a service fee of $10 is charged to the cardholder when a collection agency is utilized.
1. Fines
Fines are charged on overdue materials for each day the library is open, according to the current fine schedule, with the following exceptions:
a. Fines are not charged for any day on which the library has a delayed opening or early closing due to a holiday, inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstance.
b. Fines are not charged for any weekday on which the East Brunswick Public Schools are closed for the day due to inclement weather.
c. Fines are not charged on other days of inclement weather at the discretion of the Director.
2. Claims Returned Materials
When a library cardholder notifies the library that an item was previously returned, the library staff set the item to a status of claimed returned, the item continues to accrue fines, and fines are posted on the cardholder’s account while staff conduct a thorough search for the item. Staff notify the cardholder of search results within 14 days after notification by posting a message on the library card account or by telephone. Library staff changes the status of claimed returned materials to “Lost” status when the materials are 14 days past due. At that time, the overdue fines change to the price of the materials and the price of the items are posted to the customer’s account. If the cardholder returns the claimed returned materials, the cardholder is charged the overdue fines plus all additional prior fines accrued for each overdue item.
The Circulation Manager is authorized to resolve cases in which the cardholder claims the materials have been returned but cannot be located within the library.
3. Lost Materials
The library’s circulation system automatically changes the status of overdue materials to “Lost” status when the materials are 42 days past due. At that time, the maximum overdue fines changes to the price of the materials and the price of the items are posted to the customer’s account. If the cardholder returns the lost materials, the cardholder is charged the maximum overdue fines plus all additional prior fines accrued for each overdue item.
The library does not maintain records of what individuals have borrowed and returned in the past, except when overdue fines, and/or charges for lost/damaged materials have accrued or have been paid for. All information on the individual cardholder is confidential except for notification and collection of overdue materials.
The library does not charge the cardholder for damage due to normal use. Library materials that are damaged due to normal use remain the property of the Library.
The library charges the cardholder as indicated below for damage beyond normal use. Customers may keep damaged materials for which they have paid, if they pick-up the returned damaged item within 21 days, after which the library disposes of the item.
1. Books, Magazines, Compact Discs, DVDs, Video Games, English as a Second Language (ESL) media
2. Audio Books
The library charges the cardholder the price listed in the library catalog for lost, damaged, or unreturned audio books. The library considers an audio book to be damaged if any part of the compact disc, cassette or original accompanying material is lost or damaged beyond normal use. The library charges $5.00 for lost or damaged audio book cases and their inserts. The library charges the cardholder $10.00 for a lost or damaged compact disc or cassette if a replacement is available from the library’s vendor. A returned audio book that is damaged or that has missing parts remains the property of the library unless the customer pays the full price for the audio book.
3. Lendable Kits and Technology
The library charges the East Brunswick cardholder the price listed in the library catalog or the current list price from the vendor the library uses for lost, damaged or unreturned kits. The library charges the cardholder the price of individual items in the kit if the individual item(s) is available from the library's vendor. The individual item prices are listed in the library's catalog. A user agreement form must be signed before the first checkout of kits, and parents must sign the user agreement form in person, at the library, for their children under the age of 18.
4. iPads
The library charges the adult East Brunswick cardholder (18 years or older) the price listed in the library catalog or the current list price from the vendor the library uses for lost, damaged, including scratches and cracks or unreturned iPads. The library does not accept replacement iPads in lieu of paying for the lost item. There is an additional $40.00 charge for the unreturned or damaged security case.
5. Museum Passes
The library charges the adult East Brunswick cardholder (18 years and older) the price listed in Schedule II Material and Service Fees or the current price from the Museum for lost, damaged or unreturned museum passes.
6. No Price Available
The library charges the cardholder the following when no price is listed in the library catalog or on a current Internet retail site:
Adult Books | $25 |
Audio Books | $50 |
Children’s Audio Books | $40 |
Children’s Book and CD Sets | $20 |
Children’s Books | $15 |
Compact Discs | $15 |
Digital Video Discs (DVDs) | $25 |
ESL Media | $25 |
New Adult Books | $25 |
Video Games | $50 |
7. Refunds
The library does not refund the cardholder the price of lost, unreturned or damaged items that were paid for by the customer in the event that s/he finds the lost item. Once the cardholder pays for a lost, unreturned or damaged item, the item becomes the property of the cardholder.
1. Cardholders may place requests for materials any time on the library website, www.ebpl.org; or, during library hours, by telephone to the Information desk, 732-390-6767, or in the library themselves at a library catalog terminal or with staff assistance at the Information and Youth Services’ desks. East Brunswick cardholders will have priority for all East Brunswick library items.
2. Cardholders may not check out an item that another customer has requested.
3. Authorization to Pick Up Requests for the Cardholder
A cardholder may authorize specific person or persons to pick up requested materials. Library staff enter the names of authorized persons in the cardholder’s account. The authorized person(s) must present identification when picking up the cardholder’s requests.
4. Holds can be cancelled by the cardholder any time by using the library’s online library catalog, and by calling the library’s 24-hour renewal, holds and account information system at 732-225-0932 or in-person at the Library, or by telephone to the Circulation Department at (732) 390-6950.
1. Cardholders may renew materials as set forth in Schedule 1: Loan Periods, Fines, Fees, Borrowing Limits.
2. Cardholders may renew materials any time on the library website, www.ebpl.org; by calling the library’s 24-hour renewal, holds and account information system at 732-225-0932; or, by telephone to the Circulation department, 732-390-6950; or in the library themselves at a library catalog terminal or with staff assistance at the Circulation desk. The library posts overdue fines and rental fees to the cardholder’s account at the time of renewal.
3. Cardholders may not renew any item that another customer has requested.
Adopted 5/21/02;
rev. 9/17/02 (holiday materials, delete ebooks);
rev. 10/21/03 (clarify charges for lost, damaged, or unreturned materials; raised non-resident card fees; raised videocassette, DVD, software, video game and slide projector fees)
rev. 4/13/04 (include Vo-Tech students; eliminate reciprocal borrowing)
rev. 3/29/05 (removed videocassettes)
rev. 9/27/05 (updated overdue materials, charges for lost damaged or unreturned materials, requests and renewals sections)
rev. 11/21/06 (elim. references to Media Dept.; change in DVD borrowing policy)
rev. 12/23/08 (added magazine section to charges for lost, damaged, or unreturned materials)
rev. 10/20/09 (added playaways, changed tapes to CD’s, revised Koha related items)
rev. 7/01/10 (added expired hold fine)
rev. 11/16/10 (added e-readers and downloadable audiobooks, amendment to student borrowing privileges)
rev. 2/8/11 (removed rental books)
rev. 5/17/11 (pre-overdue courtesy reminder)
rev. 6/21/11 (added one year limit to refund for returned items and smartphone barcode wording)
rev. 11/15/11 (no refunds for lost items)
rev. 3/9/12 (specified volunteer card issuance policy already in place)
rev. 9/18/12 (Business Library Card added)
rev. 2/18/14 (iPad added; lost item notification change)
rev. 10/20/15 (museum passes added; BRC membership removed)
rev. 11/17/15 (rev. for teacher cards)
rev. 2/16/16 (revised LMxAC)
rev. 4/19/16 (under 18 library application)
rev. 9/20/16 (remove replacement of lost items)
rev. 4/18/17 (add lendable kits and change automated phone number)
rev. 9/19/17 (add EB cardholder stipulation to lendable kits, iPads, and museum passes)
rev. 11/20/18 (online library cards added)
rev. 10/15/19 (children's provisional library card)
rev. 11/191/9 (add MURAL provision)