for Museum and Library Service Finalist

East Brunswick Public Library will be opening at 10am today, February 12th, due to inclement weather.
AARP Tax Prep appointments are cancelled today.

About East Brunswick

East Brunswick Township is situated midway between the cultural beacons of New York City and Philadelphia. Its location makes for an ideal metropolitan area living and commuting experience. East Brunswick’s public schools are annually touted among the best of the nation, with several schools winning the coveted Blue Ribbon for excellence. Easily accessible by the New Jersey Turnpike, the township also boasts an award-winning public library that is consistently the single busiest municipal library in the state, well-kept homes with ever-rising property values, and amenities galore.

Quick Facts About East Brunswick


Latitute 40 degrees 24.273 min North
Longitude 74 degrees 25.516 min West
Elevation varies from 10 -150 ft above sea level and averages 124.521 ft. above sea level.
Miles from the equator - 2,760
Area - 21.5 square miles
East Brunswick lies within the inner coastal plain.


Average Temperature - 52.9 degrees F.
Average rainfall - 45.5 inches


Grains of hardness 50 parts/million. East Brunswick has soft water because it's surface water, not well water.
Fluoride content: 1:00 ppm (parts per million)