for Museum and Library Service Finalist

ALERT: All public computers and printing will be unavailable on 9/29 due to a system upgrade.

Borrowing Services

Quick Links



  1. All individuals who reside or own property in the Township of East Brunswick must use a valid library card or their mobile device with their valid library card barcode on it issued by the East Brunswick Public Library ("The Library"). Residents applying for and renewing an East Brunswick Public Library card must provide in-person, current proof of residence, or a current tax bill on property owned. All resident cards are renewable every three years.
  2. The Library issues a library card to a person from birth to 18 years of age only with in-person authorization by a parent or guardian, or to a student participating in a school class trip whose parent or guardian has granted permission via a completed library card application.
  3. Students from age 14 to 17 presenting a valid school ID may secure a provisional library card, which will allow borrowing privileges for three weeks. By the end of this period, the student must return a library card application with a parent or guardian’s signature, or the card will be canceled.


The Library issues full service library cards to non-resident students attending East Brunswick public schools, private schools in East Brunswick, or Middlesex County Vocational-Technical High School in East Brunswick as part of their high school curriculum. Cards issued to non-resident students are valid through the current school year ending August 31. The Library requires the student to provide proof of attendance to obtain a full service card.

The Library issues full service library cards to individuals who are regularly scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week in East Brunswick. Applicants must present a letter annually from his/her employer stating that he/she works 20 hours or more per week, and present a pay stub or cancelled check as proof of employment. Individuals teaching in public or private schools located in East Brunswick and Township employees are exempt from the 20 hours a week minimum schedule. Non-resident Township employees who are classified as "Seasonal" are not eligible for an East Brunswick Public Library card.

The library issues full service library cards to individuals who are current volunteers of the East Brunswick Township First Aid Squad or the Volunteer Firefighter's Squad. Individuals volunteering as either a First Aid Squad member (EMT) or a volunteer firefighter, for any amount of hours, must provide annually a current letter from the East Brunswick Township or Department where they volunteer, stating they are a current volunteer of the First Aid Rescue Squad or the Volunteer Firefighter's Squad.

The full service library card entitles the individual and immediate family to all the materials, programs and services afforded a resident cardholder. The annual fee for this card is waived as long as the individual is a current volunteer.

  1. Non-Resident Student
  2. Works-in-Town
  3. Purchased Cards

    All purchased cards are valid for one year from the date of purchase. Additional cards are issued to other family members residing at the same address for an additional $3 each.

    • A "Full Service" card entitles the purchaser and immediate family to all of the materials, programs and services afforded a resident cardholder. The annual fee for this card is $125.
  4. Volunteers of East Brunswick Township


Use the library catalog to see which materials you have checked out and when they are due back, to renew library materials, or see if your requests are ready for pickup.

You may check your account from the following locations:

  • On the library's website www.ebpl.org:
    • click My Library Account from the Navigation menu MY EBPL > Catalog.
    • click My Account on the quick link navigator below the news slideshow on the home page.


  • Click on the library catalog web page and click on My Account on the top right corner of the page.


  • Call TeleCirc, the library's 24-hour automated telephone account information and renewal system. @ 732-225-0932. You will need your 14 digit library card number and your 4 digit PIN.


All circulating materials, except Children's iPads and items on hold for another customer, may be renewed five times, either in person, online using the library catalog or by calling TeleCirc, the library's 24-hour automated telephone account information and renewal system @ 732-225-0932. You will need your 14 digit library card number and your 4 digit PIN.

Renew Items Online

  • Click on the library catalog web page and click on the My Account link on the top right corner of the page .
  • Type your 14 digit library card number and 4 digit PIN on the login pop-up.


  • Hit <Enter> or click on Login.
  • Click the Checkouts tab on the user account panel.


  • Click on the checkbox next to each item you wish to renew or you can click on the checkbox on top of the list to renew all your items at the same time and then click on the Renew button.


  • Confirm you want to renew the selected items. The new due date will be displayed next to each title on the Date Due column.
  • Note that fines will still be assessed for overdue materials until you renew. Also some materials may not be renewable, i.e items requested by other customers or Children's iPads.

Renew Items by Phone 

For phone renewals please call Circulation at (732) 390-6950 or by calling TeleCirc, the library's 24-hour automated telephone account and information renewal system @ 732-225-0932. You will need your 14 digit library card number and your 4 digit PIN.



Customers may place their own holds by searching for the item they would like in the Library Catalog. New release DVDs cannot be requested. To request an item you will need your 14 digit library card and PIN. Then:

  • Complete your search for the item you would like to place a hold.
    1. Select East Brunswick Public Library from the limit location or database dropdown.
    2. Select a filter from the Fields dropdown.
    3. Type in your keywords on the search input box.
    4. Click Search.


  • From the search result list, click on the Place Hold button for the item you would like to request. Note that all the items owned by East Brunswick Public Library have a green background container.


  • Confirm your hold(s) on the Place Hold pop up by clicking the Place Hold(s) buttton.


  • You will be notified by email and/or phone when your item is ready for pickup.
  • Don't forget to protect your privacy and logout when you have completed your search session.



The East Brunwick Public Library belongs to a consortium , LMxAC, from which you will a broader selection of books and other items. Please visit Requesting Materials that the Library Does Not Own page for more information.



The library's book & media drops are opened seven days a week, 24 hours per day, except on holidays (Please see Holidays below)

Book/Print Material Drops

The library has 3 outside book/print material drops: 2 are located by the building's front doors and the 3rd one, a drive-up drop, is located by the exit to the library's parking lot.

Media Drops

The library also has 2 outside media drops: one is located on the outside wall to the left of the entrance doors and the second one, a drive-up drop, is located by the exit to the library's parking lot.

Materials may also be returned inside the building.


On holidays in which the library is closed, all book & media drops are also closed. No materials are due on closed days and overdue fines are not charged.

Inclement Weather

When the library is closed due to inclement weather, all book & media drops are also closed. Overdue fines are not charged when the library is closed for the day, has a delayed opening or an early closing due to inclement weather. Fines are also not charged when the East Brunswick Public schools are closed for the entire day for inclement weather.