for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Homebound Service

Can’t come to the library?  No problem.  The East Brunswick Public Library will deliver books, DVDs, CDs and audiobooks to those who are physically unable to visit the library in person. This service is only available for East Brunswick residents.

Library materials are delivered and picked up by volunteers. The service is free for library customers to use, and there are no late fees.  You may request specific titles or have our volunteers pick out something for you.  For more information or to sign up for the homebound service, contact the library at 732-390-6772 or e-mail us at pkibala@ebpl.org.


Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD)

Do you have trouble holding a book, seeing print on a page, or turning a page due to a visual, physical, or learning disability?

The East Brunswick Public Library offers the BARD service for all residents of Middlesex County. BARD offers thousands of unabridged books, including today's most popular books and many bestsellers. You can even listen to popular newsstand magazines. Once signed up for the service, you will be given a digital audio player to keep at home. There’s also a downloadable app if you prefer to listen to books on your mobile device . Simply tell the librarian which books and magazines you wish to enjoy and the librarian will download them for you onto a USB drive which is sent to you in the U.S. mail. If you prefer to use the app on your mobile device, you can download the books or magazines yourself. Users must qualify for the service by having their healthcare provider complete a Certification Form.

Contact the Information Desk at 732-390-6767 for more information about BARD.