for Museum and Library Service Finalist

ALERT: East Brunswick Public Library Computer Labs will be closed on 9/29 for a system upgrade.

Community Bulletin Board and Materials Distribution Policy

To fulfill its role as a source of community information, the East Brunswick Public Library provides bulletin board space in the library for individuals and groups in the community to display community, cultural and educational information, and to announce events and services that are of general and current interest. Only civic groups, service clubs, nonprofit organizations, and governmental units promoting events are acceptable sponsors of flyers, notices and brochures for posting. No political candidate or proposition materials, commercial promotions, or private events, such as yard sales, are eligible for display. Items to be posted must not be in violation of any federal, state or local laws. Items left or posted without approval will be removed and discarded. The library cannot accept responsibility for the preservation or protection of materials posted or distributed. Display of events or information does not imply library endorsement, and all postings are subject to approval by the Library Director.

To be considered for posting, flyers or other notices should be brought to the Information Desk. Due to space limitations, preference will be given to notices about events in East Brunswick. Small notices are encouraged and oversized posters may be rejected. If selected for posting, a single, dated notice will be posted on the bulletin board by library staff; duration of posting is at the discretion of the Library. Once notices are removed, they are discarded.

The placement of other materials within the library such as newsletters, magazines, brochures, and handouts is at the discretion of the Library Director.

Digital displays on televisions within the library are for library use only. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Library Director.

Active distribution, in which a person on site hands out materials, canvasses, solicits or petitions, is allowed only with prior permission of the Library Director.

The Library reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted posting material.