for Museum and Library Service Finalist

ALERT: East Brunswick Public Library Computer Labs will be closed on 9/29 for a system upgrade.

Content Selection Policy

Just for the Health of It Portal

The Just for the Health of It portal is a multilingual community health resource designed to promote health literacy among residents of Middlesex County, New Jersey. The portal is maintained by the East Brunswick Public Library’s team of trained consumer health librarians who carefully vet all content, regardless of cultural ethnicity, socioeconomics, or political persuasion. The portal offers two major components. The first provides mainstream health materials written at a literacy level so that people of various ages and cultures can understand and make informed choices about their health. The second explores natural health approaches. The purpose is to educate citizens on the best health practices and inspire optimal decision making to promote the highest levels of physical, mental, and social well-being.

The portal is restricted to health information written at an 8th grade literacy level that is derived from nonprofit sources that includes governmental (.gov), community-based (.org), or academic (.edu). The portal excludes websites that are for profit (.com).

The portal has been made possible through multiple grants from the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, and concerned citizens for a healthier community.



Rev. November 2020