for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Free Adult/Children CPR Training

The Family & Friends CPR program teaches you how to perform CPR on adults and children, and how to help an adult or child. This course is designed for family members, friends and members of the general community who want to learn CPR but do not need a course completion card.

Adults and teens ages 16 years and older are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Registration required. Please register by emailing kparry@ebpl.org.

1 person per registration, please.

Introduction to Java (Gr. 6+)

Java is one of the most commonly used programming languages. From its use in games like Minecraft, servers, and in the Collegeboard AP exam, it's found everywhere. In this class, you'll learn the basics of Java like Loops, Conditionals, and more. This program will be held in the EBPL computer lab. Attendees do not need to bring their own equipment.

Introduction to Java will be held on Tuesday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 5th from 2-4pm. Attendees must be able to attend both classes.

This program is for children grades 6+.

We Are Multitudes: An AAPI Workshop for Creative Youths

This 1-hour workshop will cover themes of Asian American identity, belonging, and history through two immersive activities that build confidence in every girl. Join us for an invigorating evening of fun, togetherness, and meaningful connection. Participants will learn about the history of Angel Island and deconstruct the meaning behind their names. Perfect for grades 5-8 interested in art activism.