We Are Multitudes: An AAPI Workshop for Creative Youths

Jun 8 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

This 1-hour workshop will cover themes of Asian American identity, belonging, and history through two immersive activities that build confidence in every girl. Join us for an invigorating evening of fun, togetherness, and meaningful connection. Participants will learn about the history of Angel Island and deconstruct the meaning behind their names. Perfect for grades 5-8 interested in art activism. 

Facilitator's bio: Kelly Lan is the curator of Kiss Papercuts Goodbyeand is passionate about sharing her journey to. Our collection of high-impact visuals, curated photographs, and infographics help synthesize topics great for visual learners that make even the driest information interesting. Our narrative non-fiction style of writing is also a great way to make historical figures accessible. Scholars can begin to see themselves as the hero of their own stories; giving them the confidence to rise above challenges and barriers specific to gender and race.

To register, fill out this form or call (732)390-6783.


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Kids, Teens
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This event is Library Sponsored.