Option Green: Honeybees: A Powerful Pollinator (Hybrid)
Sep 25 - 7:00pm to 8:15pm
Honeybees: A Powerful Pollinator
Join Angela Juffey, Secretary of the Central Jersey Beekeepers Association and learn about honeybees, the history of beekeeping, why to keep bees, their behavior and more! Attendees will get to interact with beekeeping equipment and tools.
The CJBA is a branch of the New Jersey Beekeepers Association. Part of their mission is to educate the general public about the benefits and importance of beekeeping. This lecture is part of our Option Green Lecture series co-sponsored by the EB Friends of the Environmental Commission.
This event is open to adults, teens, and families with children grades 4+.
This program is funded by the EB Friends of the Library.
Event requires materials:
This event is Library Sponsored.