Little Miss P: The Third day by Ken Koyama is the third book of the series “Little Miss P” where the character represents a period, Little Miss P follows women throughout their time of the month. Some of my favorite books from this collection are, Model and Little Miss P. A model who was filming an ad for a beauty product got rejected because she didn't have flawless skin and was offered to come back to the studio to film once she had taken care of her acne breakout. Little Miss P and a Far Off Adventure, answers the question of “what happens next after marriage in a fairytale” since most fairy tales end in “And they lived happily ever after”. Little Miss P’s Time off, where an aspiring film director is forced to take maternity leave and continue her career later in life. A Burning Love and Little Miss P, is about a medical worker who got asked out on a date who put a lot of effort into getting ready but has to quickly find a solution when Little Miss P comes for a surprise visit. Department store and Little Miss P, where the sales promotion department decided to promote periods so customers feel more comfortable by having employees wear period badges. These period badges are similar to a maternity mark that tells others which people are on their period. Of course, it isn't mandatory to wear these badges but the goal of the period badge is to make it easier for customers to talk about periods. I rate this book a 5/5 because this collection of stories like the first and second books are told in a relatable and humorous manner. I recommend this book for readers who enjoyed the first 2 books in the series and want a quick read.

About This Book
It’s the story of a girl…and all she wants is get closer to the one she loves! But what’s a girl to do when Little Miss P keeps popping up and making things AWKWARD at every turn…?! Maybe talking through Little Mis P’s presence will give her a little more confidence in their relationship…