for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Stress Management for Kids

This booklist includes titles about stress management, mindfulness, breathwork, green time (not screen time!), and other healthy habits for keeping your mind positive and calm.

Good Morning Yoga

by Mariam Gates; illustrations by Sarah Jane Hinder

A Pebble for Your Pocket

by Thich Nhat Hanh; illustrations by Philippe Ames and Nguyen Thi Hop

The Lemonade Hurricane: A Story About Mindfulness and Meditation

by Licia Morelli; illustrated by Jennifer E. Morris

Master of mindfulness : how to be your own superhero in times of stress

by Laurie M. Grossman, Angelina Alvarez, and Mr. Musumeci's 5 Grade Class

The Listening Walk

by Paul Showers; illustrations by Aliki.

Moody Cow Meditates

by Kerry Lee MacLean

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