for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Health, Fitness & Wellness

Mental Health Awareness Table

Stop by the library's Mental Health Awareness Health Table May 12-23, 2025 in the library lobby as we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month.

We will be sharing mental health information resources for children, teens and adults, the ways to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

Brought to you by Just For The Health Of It! Initiative, The Library's Prescription for Quality Health & Wellness Information.

ALS Awareness Week Health Table

Stop by the library's ALS Awareness Table May 5-11 in the library lobby as we commemorate ALS Awareness Week. We are creating awareness about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.  This is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Roughly 1 in 400 people will develop ALS in their lifetime. 

Consumer Protection Week Table

Stop by the informational table in the library lobby during National Consumer Protection Week March 3-8, 2025. We will share information for kids, teens and adults about online safety, consumer rights, spotting and avoiding scams, and reporting frauds.

Brought to you by Just For The Health Of It! Initiative, The Library's Prescription for Quality Health & Wellness Information.

Create Your 2025 Vision Board

Wednesday, January 8 -- 5:00-6:00

Join the staff of NJ4S and create your personal vision board for 2025.  A vision board is a poster or collage where you can visually represent your dreams and goals.  Reflect on how you'd like to grow and the experiences you're looking for in 2025, and get it all down on an inspiring poster you can hang in your room!

All supplies will be provided, but you can bring photos or other special collage materials that you'd like to incorporate in your project.  Light refreshments will be served.

Get Pumped Up About Heart Health: High Blood Pressure Information Table

The HEAL initiative is a student-run initiative from Robert Wood Johnson Medical School that provides education on high blood pressure management, with a focus on lifestyle modifications. They will also provide information on local community sites to check blood pressure and steps on how to properly track blood pressure at home.

The January session's table topic will be "Lifestyle Modifications to Lower Blood Pressure."


Get Pumped Up About Heart Health: High Blood Pressure Information Table

The HEAL initiative is a student-run initiative from Robert Wood Johnson Medical School that provides education on high blood pressure management, with a focus on lifestyle modifications. They will also provide information on local community sites to check blood pressure and steps on how to properly track blood pressure at home.

The January session's table topic will be "Lifestyle Modifications to Lower Blood Pressure."


Blood Drive

Celebrating National Blood Donor Month

Be someone's lifesaver


One pint of blood can save up to three lives.

Appointments recommended. For an appointment go to nybc.org/drive 

Sponsor Code 68743

Or Call 1-800-933-2566


Blood Drive

One pint of blood can save up to three lives.

Appointments recommended. For an appointment go to nybc.org/drive 

Sponsor Code 68743

Or Call 1-800-933-2566


Donors 76 years old and over need a doctor's note unless one is already on file. 16 year olds need signed NYBC parental consent form.