for Museum and Library Service Finalist

The library will be closed on Sundays in August. All book and media drops will also be closed on Sundays in August. Overdue fines will not be charged for days the library is closed.


Option Green

About Option Green

In 2017, the East Brunswick Public Library began a partnership with the Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission (a nonprofit dedicated to local environmental education and conservation) on the “Option Green” program series. Each year there are six events, ranging from lectures featuring environmentalists in various fields to documentary screenings with facilitated discussions. Since 2017, over 600 people have attended Option Green programs.

Upcoming Programs

  • Coming Soon!


Past Programs


Past Awards


Option Green 2021 Logo

Option Green 2021: Climate Change & Community

Option Green, the partnership between EBPL and FEBEC has been selected as a grantee for Resilient Communities: Libraries Respond to Climate Change, an initiative of the American Library Association. The Spring 2021 program series will be expanded to focus on climate change and its impact on our community.

View the Full Press Release

Option Green 2021 Program Community Partners


Live Option Green 2021 programs may have ended, but you can watch them on-demand!


Option Green Virtual Film Festival


East Brunswick Public Library Wins Award For Option Green Program Series (10/23/2017)

2017 ANJEC Awards Ceremony
Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions President Nancy Tindall and Executive Jennifer M. Coffey present East Brunswick Public Library Programming Librarian Melissa Hozik with the Environmental Achievement Award for the Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission and East Brunswick Public Library’s Option Green programming series. 

The Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission and East Brunswick Public Library received a 2017 Environmental Achievement Award from the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC) for their Option Green Lecture series.


The award was presented at the ANJEC’s Environmental Congress at Mercer County Community College on October 13.
The ANJEC Environmental Achievement Award recognizes exceptional projects carried out by environmental commissions and nonprofit organizations that benefit the local environment. The criteria for the award are the project’s impact, originality, educational value, innovation, and response to a need in the community.

The Option Green Lecture Series began in March 2017 as a partnership between the Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission and the East Brunswick Public Library. The series’ goal is to host speakers on a wide range of topics that offer new or updated information on specific environmental issues.

This year, topics in the series have included climate change in New Jersey, hydroculture, salamander migration and protection, and beekeeping. For more information about the upcoming lectures, including geocaching, visit www.friendsebec.com.