Mother Goose Magic

Nursery rhyme program for children from 0-24 months accompanied by an adult.


Toesy Toes

Babies can have all different types of toes -- splishy-splashy toes, piggledy-wiggledy toes, cozy-dozy toes -- but all babies have toesy toes!

Hello Baby!

The world is full of beautiful babies -- porcupine babies with twitchy noses, gecko babies with rolling eyes, hippo babies with yawning jaws -- but which baby is the most precious of all?

Pooh's This and That

This sweet story about Winnie-the-Pooh is a good reminder that presents are nice to give, honey is yummy to eat, and pictures books are fun to look at.  Here at the library, we certainly approve that message!

Unfortunately, this book is out of print and none of the libraries in our consortium still own it.  Never fear; our office copy is in good shape, so we can continue to share it with you at storytime.

Chicka Chicka ABC

This abridged, board book version of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a perfect introduction to the classic picture book featuring the intrepid letters of the alphabet boldly climbing the coconut tree.  Be ready to read it again and again and again!

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