for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Maker Club: Arduinos

You are welcome to choose your own Arduino projects to do at EB Create or come to discuss your ideas with others for short or long-term projects. Arduino, breadboards, connectors, sensors kits and many fun ideas are shared.


4th grade and up*, teens, and adults with children.
*Under age 10 must be accompanied by an adult

Bring your own or use one of us (we have a limited supplies of Arduino/Sparkfun boards, working in groups is encourage)

EBPL Teen Red Cross Club Meeting

This club offers teens a great way to bring important aspects of health and medical care to their own community. Members will be able to help organize, plan, coordinate, and conduct fun programs which will engage everyone in our community. Volunteers will be able to work with people of different age groups and learn new information about health and Red Cross. 

We are open to all high school students who show interest in volunteering with us. We will allow eighth graders to join from Spring. 

Teen Yoga

Yoga is more than doing poses. Yoga is the union of the body, mind, and spirit. Practicing yoga gives you strength in body, peace of mind, and a joyful spirit.

Teens today have a lot on their plates, with super competitive academics and sports, packed schedules, and parental pressure. 

Join this 30-minute teen yoga class to chill out and get in tune with your body. This class focuses on breath work, stretching, relaxation and yes, some postures, such as standing poses, forward bends, balance poses, twists, and seated poses.

Bring your own mat or use one of ours!

Maker Club: Arduinos

You are welcome to choose your own Arduino projects to do at EB Create or come to discuss your ideas with others for short or long-term projects. Arduino, breadboards, connectors, sensors kits and many fun ideas are shared.


4th grade and up*, teens, and adults with children.
*Under age 10 must be accompanied by an adult

Bring your own or use one of us (we have a limited supplies of Arduino/Sparkfun boards, working in groups is encourage)

Nintendo Switch Game Console

Check out a complete Nintendo Switch gaming console from the library! This kit comes with a Nintendo Switch game console and two JoyCon controllers. You can use the Switch either as a handheld gaming device or you can connect it to your television using the included dock and HDMI cable and play along with a friend.