for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Lunch 'n Learn with the Doctors: Prostate Cancer (Zoom)

In this multidisciplinary talk conducted virtually, Dr. Edward Soffen, Radiation Oncologist, Princeton Radiation Oncology and Dr. Phillip Reid, Medical Oncologist, Regional Cancer Care Associates, Central Jersey, will discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the diagnosis, treatment and management of prostate cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics include:

Intro to Smartphone Photography (Zoom)

You don’t need to have an expensive or complicated camera to take great photos.  In this workshop, you will learn how to take photos with your smartphone and some helpful tips about composition and editing that will make all your photos better.  This class will help you understand the basics of digital photography and have more fun taking photos.

Registration Recommended: https://www.ebpl.org/main/polCalendarEvent.cfm?Event_Id=94712