for Museum and Library Service Finalist

The library will be closed on Sundays in August. All book and media drops will also be closed on Sundays in August. Overdue fines will not be charged for days the library is closed.



The Beggar

Daily, I commuted by train to my office in Newark. Standing near the station was a young man begging. He seemed friendly, jovial and talkative. During the next several weeks I would donate my spare change and sometimes an occasional dollar. Then one day no beggar. What happened? A month later at a busy intersection we recognized each other. He shouted hey dude, thank you I got a job.



Leah was walking Magenta. Suddenly, they saw a golden doodle happily running and jumping across the lawns near his house.
They ran to him. Duke was off leash. His humans were missing.
Leah held Magenta’s leash as Magenta herded Duke home. The front door was open; the house was empty. They entered and stayed together until Duke’s family returned. Soon Margie came home, shocked, but relieved her third child was safe.

*During Rumspringa, Amish youth have the freedom to explore life outside their community.

Friends Author Talk: Ken Kunken

Thursday 5/9, 7:30pm

Learn More: https://ilove.ebpl.org/adults-friends/events/friends-author-talk-ken-kunken/2024-05-09-233000-2024-05-10-013000

The East Brunswick Friends of the Library are hosting a special event with author and motivational speaker Ken Kunken at East Brunswick Public Library (2 Civic Center Drive) on Thursday, May 9 at 7:30 pm. He will be discussing his memoir I Dream Of Things That Never Were – The Ken Kunken Story.

The Beggar

The Beggar by Donald Carugati (a Short Story Contest entry)

Daily, I commuted by train to my office in Newark. Standing near the station was a young man begging. He seemed friendly, jovial and talkative. During the next several weeks I would donate my spare change and sometimes an occasional dollar. Then one day no beggar. What happened? A month later at a busy intersection we recognized each other. He shouted hey dude, thank you I got a job.


Rumspringa by Donna Lee Goldberg (a Short Story Contest entry) 


Leah was walking Magenta. Suddenly, they saw a golden doodle happily running and jumping across the lawns near his house.


They ran to him. Duke was off leash. His humans were missing.

Leah held Magenta’s leash as Magenta herded Duke home. The front door was open; the house was empty. They entered and stayed together until Duke’s family returned. Soon Margie came home, shocked, but relieved her third child was safe.

At the Maison Hannon (for G. C.)

At the Maison Hannon (for G. C.) by Chris Chan (a Short Story Contest entry) 

In just twenty seconds and twenty steps, you’ll fall for her. Because at your request for poetry, she’ll recite to you, from unblemished memory, twelve lines of Dante’s “Inferno” in her native Italian as you ascend the gilded staircase together. And by the time you reach the top, you’ll have plunged into her poetic forbear’s despair. For what words could you summon in your language to retrieve your heart from her own?

Seedling Swap Indoors

Sunday, May 5, 1-3pm

Did too many of your seeds sprout? Come bring your seedlings to swap with other gardeners INSIDE out EB Create Makerspace.
The swap is part of the EB Grow Seed Lending Library, in co-sponsorship with the Friends of the EB Environmental Commission.