Garden State Teen Book Awards (GSTBA)
What are the GSTBA?
First and foremost, this is an award for NJ teen readers, voted on by NJ teen readers! Each year, the Young Adult Section of the New Jersey Library Association (aka a bunch of teen librarians you may or may not know) select nominees to be placed on the award ballots based on teen appeal and quality of writing.
The books listed here have all won a GSTBA!
So what about these ballots?
Ballots are composed of a maximum of 20 nominations in three categories: fiction for grades 6-8, fiction for grades 9-12, and nonfiction for grades 6-12. The ballots seek to expose teens to books that are appealing and well written, and which accurately display the diversity found in the state of New Jersey.
Okay then, how do I vote?
You can pick up your paper ballot in the Teen Space or click the links below to vote online. More information about the GSTBA, including past winners and descriptions of current nominees, can be found here. GET VOTING!!!