for Museum and Library Service Finalist

What Should I Read?

Tap the Magic Tree

by Christie Matheson.

Thank You, Omu!

by Oge Mora.

The Animals Would Not Sleep!

by Sara Levine; illustrated by Marta Álvarez Miguéns

The Crayon Man: The True Story of the Invention of Crayola Crayons

by Natascha Biebow; illustrated by Steven Salerno.

The Day You Begin

by Jacqueline Woodson; illustrated by Rafael López

The Froggy series

by Jonathan London; illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz

The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: the Story of Dr. Temple Grandin

by Julia Finley Mosca; illustrated by Daniel Rieley

The Good Egg

by Jory John & Pete Oswald

The Lion and the Bird

by Marianne Dubuc

The Lion and the Mouse

by Jerry Pinkney

The Miss Nelson series

by Harry Allard & James Marshall

The Rabbit Listened

by Cori Doerrfeld

The Runaway Pea

by Kjartan Poskitt; illustrated by Alex Willmore

The Sea Mammal Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta; illustrated by Tom Leonard

The Seals on the Bus

by Lenny Hort; illustrated by G. Brian Karas

The Stuff of Stars

by Marion Dane Bauer

This Beach is Loud!

by Samantha Cotterill

Twinderella: a Fractioned Fairy Tale

by Corey Rosen Schwartz; pictures by Deborah Marcero

Understand and Care

by Cheri J. Meiners

Wemberly Worried

by Kevin Henkes

Where's Halmoni?

by Julie J. Kim

ZooBorns!: Zoo Babies From Around the World

by Andrew Bleiman & Chris Eastland

Sidewalk Flowers

by JonArno Lawson & Sydney Smith

The Night Walk

by Marie Dorleans

Outside, You Notice

by Erin Alladin; illustrated by Andrea Blinick

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