Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Prevent substance abuse or find resources for help.
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
At all ages and stages, parents need information to guide them along the path of parenting. Start here to find information on topics of interest in the areas of education, entertainment, health and safety.
Prevent substance abuse or find resources for help.
Children and Adults with ADHD
The Other Side of ADD
An online support group for parents of kids with ADHD.
Eating, nutrition, and physical fitness information and strategies.
Great information and advice about health and child development.
Topical guides to help you through difficult discussions with your kids. Topics include divorce, death, sex, the news, smoking, etc.
A national photo listing service for children awaiting adoption in the US.
Discussions, articles, and tips on teen-specific parenting topics such as self-esteem, eating disorders, discipline and limits, drug abuse, etc.
From the National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families – Information about child development and the role of parents.
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