Wednesday, January 8 -- 5:00-6:00
Join the staff of NJ4S and create your personal vision board for 2025. A vision board is a poster or collage where you can visually represent your dreams and goals. Reflect on how you'd like to grow and the experiences you're looking for in 2025, and get it all down on an inspiring poster you can hang in your room!
All supplies will be provided, but you can bring photos or other special collage materials that you'd like to incorporate in your project. Light refreshments will be served.
For families with kids in kindergarten and up.
NJ4S is a prevention program that supports youth mental wellness and can connect students and their parents/caregivers with other community resources beneficial to social, emotional, and mental health and well-being, including clinical and non-clinical resources.
Click here for more information about NJ4S.
Mental Health Is Health: EB Stands United