for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Picture Book

Horse Meets Dog

Horse and Dog have just met, and they're a tad bit confused.  Dog is convinced Horse is a really big dog, and Horse is certain Dog is a really small horse!  They notice the differences in their hair and feet, and they even get each other thoughtful yet inappropriate gifts.  Their confusion and miscommunication continues hilariously!  This clever book would be a fun discussion starter for exploring differences.

Toesy Toes

Babies can have all different types of toes -- splishy-splashy toes, piggledy-wiggledy toes, cozy-dozy toes -- but all babies have toesy toes!

Hello Baby!

The world is full of beautiful babies -- porcupine babies with twitchy noses, gecko babies with rolling eyes, hippo babies with yawning jaws -- but which baby is the most precious of all?

My Bike

Tom rides his bike to work every day.  On the way, he passes trucks, buses, & lots of cars, people, monkeys, & acrobats, tigers, lions, & elephants... Can you guess where Tom works?  Wait until you see what he rides when he's there!

Russell the Sheep

It's bedtime, and the other sheep in the flock have turned in for the night.  But Russell can't sleep.  He tries making it darker.  He tries making it cooler.  He tries a different pillow.  Nope, nope, and nope.  Maybe if he counts the stars -- all six hundred million billion and ten of them -- he'll get sleepy.  NOPE!  Then he has an idea that's so perfect, it makes his hat go ziggy-zaggy!

Bear Snores On

While Bear slumbers in his cave through the long, cold winter, Mouse, Hare, Badger and some other forest friends make tea and popcorn and have a full-fledged party in his lair!  What will Bear do when he wakes up to discover he's the unwitting host of a soiree that he's been left out of?

Tiger Can't Sleep

In his dark, quiet room, a little boy is trying to sleep, but that noisy tiger in his closet is making it impossible for him to snooze!  First, Tiger is noisily crunching on potato chips; then, he's bouncing a playground ball...  He evens plays music as a one-man (one-tiger?) band!  Will the boy ever manage to get Tiger to quiet down?

I Spy on the Farm

A few clues and a die-cutout that peeks through to the next page provide a preschool-level challenge for youngsters to sharpen their recognition of farm animals.  This book is fun with a crowd but would be equally fun one-on-one with a special grown-up.

If you liked this one at storytime, you can view other books in this series in the library's catalog by clicking here!