for Museum and Library Service Finalist

The library will be closed on Sundays in August. All book and media drops will also be closed on Sundays in August. Overdue fines will not be charged for days the library is closed.



Who Knew

Everyone thought she was an altruistic and extremely forgiving person.

She was described as patient and merciful.

She spoke little, but observed much.

She spent little and saved less for she was a very charitable woman.

She smiled rarely and cried even less, but the tears flowed within.

Forgive her for not revealing who she truly was for she was never asked for forgiveness and it was never granted.

No one knew her.

Remembering Mom

Remembering Mom by Deanna Perlmutter (a Short Story Contest entry) 


You lived for 87 years and somehow it just was not enough. To write a 73 word ode about you is a difficult task. I will say, you were an avid reader and loved the library like a third child. You picked books and the library got them for you. You instilled in us the importance of education and reading. We will continue to read and enjoy it, to honor your memory! Love you Mom!

El Diablo

three dogs sitting on steps

El Diablo by Donna Lee Golderg (a Short Story Contest entry) 


Magenta is a gentle dog. Because she’s a fierce barker, Ilan nicknamed her El Diablo. On a walk, Magenta and Leah met him and Isabella and their dogs Ziti and Dahlia. He was nervous. Ilan didn't believe Magenta would play with their two dogs. Surprise! The doggy trio sniffed, played and walked together. “Amazing,” Ilan announced. ”Magenta needs a new nickname. She's no longer El Diablo. She is now Cachorrita, little puppy.”


Estrangement by Elizabeth (a Short Story Contest entry) 



Anne sat by a fountain, blending in with people enjoying a spring day. It was her grandson’s second birthday. The party would be nearby but she wasn’t invited. A few months earlier her daughter had said, “Mom, I’m taking a break from you.” The separation was breaking Anne’s heart. Her phone in her lap, she waited hopefully for a call to join the party, doubting it would come.

Invisible Man

Invisible Man by Allisa Perlmutter (a Short Story Contest entry) 


The Invisible Man was driving us home. Actually it was our father who sat in the passenger seat and gave him directions to our house.

My sister and I were mesmerized and a little scared as we watched the driverless car make left and right hand turns at the passengers command. All was smooth until our house was in sight. At the exact moment we went to turn into the driveway the car swerved.

The Park

The Park by MA (a Short Story Contest entry) 



Does yours do that also? Yes she replied, everyday the same thing. Can you figure it out?


Maybe they are trying to get rid of it and we keep bringing it back.


Good point. Next time lets just keep running and see what happens. Good idea but then where would we get food?


Good point he said.

Alphabet Soup

Alphabet Soup by Amanda Visokay (a Short Story Contest entry) 



All her parents’ dreams - carefully lined up in alphabetical order – Achievement. Beauty. Confidence. Doctorate. Everything. Finalized. Get in everywhere. Hope with a capital H. Intelligent. Just so I can brag. Knowledgeable. Look. Mom did it.

It’s just that they forgot one thing – what she wants, in her heart. They forgot to ask who she is.

The Past Does Not Equal The Future

The Past Does Not Equal The Future by Shaunak Chattopadhyay (a Short Story Contest entry) 


As a high school student, Todd was introverted, bullied and had little friends. Now, he is a fitness Youtuber, an application designer at a software company, an entrepreneur, investor and works with multiple companies for sponsorship deals. He uses the money to help fund start ups and provide aid to charities and his family. Despite having a rough time in high school, Todd did not let it define him forever.

The Afghan

The Afghan by A. Lee (a Short Story Contest entry) 


Fluorescent lights buzz overhead inside the dusty old thrift store - and in my hands, a homespun afghan drapes over my fingertips. There's a superstition within the crochet community that your soul is imbued in the things you create, so it’s wise to leave a mistake: a door for your soul to escape, if need be.

I examine the afghan, admiring the intricate designs. “Flawless,” I whisper - an unnatural warmth pouring from its stitches.