for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Rope Rescue Demos

Jun 29 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Join the Mountain Rescue Unit of local nonprofit New Jersey Search and Rescue (NJSAR) for demos of the climbing and rescue equipment they use to help lost or injured people in the woods.

Although New Jersey has some beautiful parks to explore, accidents happen. When someone gets lost or hurt on a mountain, it's not so easy to just hike in and find them. Trained volunteers from NJSAR on the MRU team learn how to climb up or rappel down a mountain to reach injured or stranded hikers and climbers, how to administer first aid in the woods, and how to transport people with injuries out of the woods without hurting them more.

Members of the NJSAR MRU team will demonstrate knots, climbing harnesses, and rescue baskets they use in real life emergencies to help people. After watching the demonstration and hearing all about the MRU, join us inside in the meeting rooms at 2 pm for a workshop on Preventing Search and Rescue so you and your loved ones know what to do before, during, and after a hiking or climbing trip so that you and your family can stay safe.

Event requires materials: 
Event Details
Online Event/Program: 
Adults, Kids, Teens
Kids Age Audience: 
Parents & Caregivers, Preschool, School Age, Tween, All Ages
This event is Library Sponsored.