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SCORE ONLINE: Deciding to Keep or Exit Your Business

Nov 11 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Deciding to Keep or Exit Your Business




Description: This workshop is geared toward business owners who are facing the important question as to what’s next for their business. It may be disruption from COVID 19, recognizing the need for a business investment or as a business owner you are ready for a change.


Regardless of the reason, a decision is needed as to whether to keep the business and make the investment for growth or exit the business. This is a difficult question to answer and requires careful consideration as to the best go forward path for the business and you as the business owner.

Some points to consider:

  • With all the market disruptions are you able to pivot the business to thrive in today’s new world?
  • Is your industry and your business declining or growing?
  • How can you quantify your business and your personal future financial needs?
  • What do you want for your future? Status quo, retirement, a career change.


Presenter: Ray Lee is a certified Score Mentor with over 10 years of mentoring for-profit and non-profit businesses. During his business career he has been involved in multiple merger and acquisition transactions and has used his experience to help Score clients in dealing with their decision making in this area.


Ray started his association with Score in Princeton, but has moved to Northern Nevada and is normally an active Score mentor there. Due to the birth of their first grandchild in NJ, Ray and his wife are spending lengthy stretches of time here and have offered his services to the Princeton Score chapter.

Please register in advance at this link: https://score.tfaforms.net/17?EventID=a100b000006Z2zi





Event Details
Online Event/Program: 
Adults, BRC