Tutor.com brings live, one-to-one help TO YOU, FOR FREE to all East Brunswick library card holders.
Who can use the Tutor.com Learning Suite?
Everyone! K-12 and college students can get help with homework, studying, projects, essay writing and test prep in every subject. Adults can get help with job searches, GED prep and academic support.
How does the online tutoring work?
All sessions are online with professional academic or career tutors. East Brunswick patrons can work with an online tutor 7 days a week from 3:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. There is no time limit for each session with a tutor.
Is the service available remotely?
Yes. Patrons can connect to Tutor.com from any computer or mobile device (smartphones & tablets) with Internet access. Instructions to download the free mobile app for your iOS or Android device are on the Tutor.com site.