East Brunswick Public Library is asking you to donate materials to be upcycled/recycled for our Makers Day Celebration on March 15 and 16.
We are currently looking for the following items in new/gently used and clean condition:
- Cardboard tubes
- Corrugated cardboard, flattened (preferably not oversized)
- Corks
- Cereal boxes/cereal box cardboard (or similar thickness/texture)
- Tissue paper, any color or pattern
- Styrofoam plates/trays
- Paper and paper scraps/junk mail (with no identifying/sensitive information) - colored/patterned paper preferred
- Cardstock sheets and useable scraps (colored/patterned paper okay)
- Manga/comic books or pages, for crafting
- Magazines or upcycled book pages
- Old crayons (especially burgundy or red)
- Clear plastic jars (preferably with lids)
- Unwanted fabric/fabric scraps (donated clothes for crafting are okay; t-shirts welcome)
- Egg cartons (either Styroform or cardboard)
- Bottle caps (varying sizes okay)
Donations may be dropped off in the large labled box near the entrance through March 1.
Thank you for your support!