for Museum and Library Service Finalist

East Brunswick Public Library will be opening at 10am today, February 6th, due to inclement weather.

Alphabet Soup

Alphabet Soup by Amanda Visokay (a Short Story Contest entry) 



All her parents’ dreams - carefully lined up in alphabetical order – Achievement. Beauty. Confidence. Doctorate. Everything. Finalized. Get in everywhere. Hope with a capital H. Intelligent. Just so I can brag. Knowledgeable. Look. Mom did it.

It’s just that they forgot one thing – what she wants, in her heart. They forgot to ask who she is.

Artistic. Binge eater. Crazy about girls. Dreamer. Energetic. Fickle. Grateful. Hurt. Insubordinate. Jealous. Know-it-all. Lackadaisical. Miserable.