for Museum and Library Service Finalist

ALERT: East Brunswick Public Library Computer Labs will be closed on 9/29 for a system upgrade.

Seven Stories in the World Workshop

Jul 21 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

July 21 at 7 pm 

Grades 7-12

Click to register

A handout will be passed out at the beginning of the class, so please arrive on time.  Please respect the other attendees and the presenter's time by showing up a few minutes early, so you do not interrupt the program once it begins.

7 STORIES IN THE WORLD Writing Workshop presented by YA author, Sara Fujimura

"If you boil them down, there are only seven stories in the world. In this hands-on, interactive workshop, I will teach participants how to put a unique, specific spin on a universal experience to create a story that the audience hasn't heard before yet can still connect with on a subconscious level. Whether you write fanfic, books, screenplays, or plot-heavy video games, this workshop is for all kinds of storytellers." - description taken from https://www.sarafujimura.com/workshops.html

Questions can be emailed to mwhittington@ebpl.org

This event has been paid for by the generosity of the Friends of the East Brunswick Public Library.

Event Details
Online Event/Program: 
Kids, Teens
Kids Age Audience: 