No more kissing!
I have a balloon
Do you know which ones will grow?
Dragons in a Bag
Jaxon is not looking forward to spending the day with Ma, his mean old grandmother, until he makes an amazing discovery: she's not really his grandmother. She's a witch in the middle of a very important, exciting job -- and she needs Jaxon's help! Jaxon quickly finds himself in the midst of an unbelievable task, moving three baby dragons out of Brooklyn, NY, and getting them to a magical place where they can actually thrive. Within a short period he and his friends, Kavita & Vikram, have broken the only two rules Ma has given them and wonder if they'll ever be able to deliver the bab
King & Kayla and the Case of the Mysterious Mouse
King's favorite ball is missing. He and Kayla must figure out where it went -- and who has it! They both know a few facts about what happened. How will they solve the mystery?
The Incredible Magic of Being
Nine-year-old Julian almost died when he was born and he believes that he has a special connection to the universe because of that, and he wants to make his two moms and his sister (who turned into a black hole of discontentment when she turned fourteen) happy because he is convinced that soon he will die and travel to the dog star--but now they have moved to Maine and he resolves to also use his "uni-sense" ability to help Mr. X, their neighbor, who is in desperate need of healing.
Super Max and the Mystery of Thornwood's Revenge
Twelve-year-old Max is determined to investigate the connection between a hacker's online attacks of her grandfather and other town officials and suspicious activity at the supposedly haunted Thornwood Manor, even though her grandfather, who is Blue Creek's police chief, wants to keep Max and her souped-up wheelchair out of police business.
The Serpent's Secret: Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond
On the morning of her 12th birthday, Kiranmala is just a regular 6th grader living in New Jersey, until her parents mysteriously vanish and a drooling rakkhosh demon slams through her kitchen, determined to eat her alive! Suddenly, Kiran is swept into the underworld, where -- among other things -- she must avoid the Serpent King and Rakkhoshi Queen in order to save her parents, the entire state of NJ, the world, and everything beyond it.
When Sophie Thinks She Can't...
When Sophie gets stuck, she feels she isn't smart. "I can't do it!" she says. Her friends feel the same way. But then their teacher opens their minds to a helpful little word... "yet." This book is the perfect story to introduce children to growth mindset.