for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Great Websites for Kids

Looking for websites to help with homework or satisfy your child’s curiosity about a subject? The Association for Library Service to Children of the American Library Association has the perfect sites to visit. Explore Animals, The Arts, History & Biography, Literature & Languages, Mathematics & Computers, Reference, Sciences, and Social Sciences.

Explora Primary Schools

Kids will find everything they need to learn about Animals, Science, Math, Arts, Music, Social Studies, Geography and Biography. Explora is colorful and easy to search for school projects or just to have fun reading about your favorite subjects!

World Atlas

Combines detailed, printable, full-color maps of countries, provinces, and states with up-to-date statistical and local information.
From Facts on File


Tutor.com brings live, one-to-one help TO YOU, FOR FREE to all East Brunswick library card holders.

Who can use the Tutor.com Learning Suite?

Everyone! K-12 and college students can get help with homework, studying, projects, essay writing and test prep in every subject. Adults can get help with job searches, GED prep and academic support.

The World Almanac for Kids Online

Handouts for your projects and more...with brand New Sections!
PLANTS:   More than 90 original, curriculum-based articles, along with Fun Facts articles and full-color diagrams and photographs, give students a clearer understanding of everything from plant structure, plant nutrition, and photosynthesis, to plant ecology, seedless plants, and plant ethnobotany.