for Museum and Library Service Finalist


An Inconvenient Alphabet: Ben Franklin & Noah Webster's Spelling Revolution

If you're not one to think spelling is fun, wait until you see some of the spelling in this book!  In an attempt to make English easier to read and write, Ben Frankin (you know who that is) and Noah Webster (the guy who eventually started the dictionary -- yup, that Webster!) teamed up to make our inconvenient alphabet a little more convenient.  Did it work?  Not really.  If it did, maybe you'd regularly see something like the following excerpt from the book:

"Spelling Reeform!

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Amerikan Inglish!

Shadow Puppet Workshop

Learn all about shadow puppetry, and how the combination of light and screen makes this magical effect. Everyone will create their own shadow puppet, learn how manipulate it, and perform a shadow puppet parade on the shadow screen.

The workshop is presented by "Nappy's Puppets" and is for children ages 5 and up only. Limited tickets will be available in Youth Services beginning Fenruary 4.

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library and is part of the 20th Annual Phyllis Noar Puppetry Festival.