Drip Painting
Grab a canvas and make some unique pictures with acrylic paint.
Grades 1 and up
for Museum and Library Service Finalist
Grab a canvas and make some unique pictures with acrylic paint.
Grades 1 and up
Use our sewing machines to make your own pillowcase.
Grades 4 and up
Limited tickets. Pick up your free ticket 15 minutes before the program begins.
Play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and more.
Grades 1 and up
Play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and more.
Grades 1 and up
We'll make a quick snack (vegetarian spring rolls) and talk about our favorite books.
Grades 2 and up
Make and decorate your own notebook that you can use all summer long.
Grades 1 and up
Build with our Legos, Straws and Connectors, and Duplos.
Grades K and up
Redecorate the children's room with artistic designs made from post-it notes.
Grades 1 and up
Please bring your own white t-shirt and tie-dye it.
Grades 1 and up
Come and pick up all the supplies that you will need to make a butterfly.
Ages 3 and up