for Museum and Library Service Finalist


Hour Of Code

Join us to explore and learn about 3D printing, Tinkercard, digital art, coding, and more!

The event is open to all, but most events are geared towards elementary to middle schoolers. It would be good to bring a laptop to the event.

Meeting room 1 & 2 & 3

Debate Club

1. Should all museums and zoos should be free to everyone?

2. Do people rely on technology too much these days?

3. is summer better than winter? 

4. Is technology creating or Eliminating jobs? 

Every other Thursday at 5:30 on zoom

Open to all students in grades 6-12

Register in advance for this meeting:

Family Fun & Fitness!

Wednesday, December 28th, 2:00-4:00 PM

Take a fitness challenge that'll be a blast for the whole family!

Kids and families will have fun participating in different training exercises and games.  Develop a healthier lifestyle by learning skills to improve strength, balance, and cardio endurance. 

For families with kids ages 5 and up.

This program is presented by CJ Hirschy of the Raritan Valley YMCA in East Brunswick, where he serves as the Fitness, Sports, and Membership Director.

Young Poets Tween Writing Group

For tweens in 3rd grade and up.


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

We want to write

Some poems with you!


In February we'll be writing Acrostics!  (You thought we were going to say love poems, didn't you?  No way; too gross!!)

We'll try our hands at a different kind of poem each month and will work towards publishing a collection of poetry in April.  Join us for a fun, relaxed writing workshop.