Tuesday, May 21, 7:00pm.
Registration strongly encouraged. To register, call 732-390-6767.
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East Brunswick Hadassah, The East Brunswick Public Library and the Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission present:
Food Choices for a Small Planet: Sustainable Diet and Food Waste Practices for Families and Communities
Join Rutgers faculty as we discuss individual and community practices which decrease greenhouse gasses, decrease waste of energy, land and water resources, and which slow the filling of our landfills. Consider this a teachable moment to educate your family about things they can do to prevent food waste at home, school and work.
“Small changes from being a high meat eater to a low meat eater can make a huge difference in environmental impact. “(NYT July 21,2023) “Think about how you buy, prepare and dispose of food. When you throw away food, you’re also wasting the energy, land, water, and fertilizer that was used to produce, package, and transport it.” (UN climate Action article, Food and Climate Change: Healthy Diets for a Healthier Planet) The USDA estimates that about 30–40% of food is thrown out in the U.S., and this contributes to 32.6 million cars’ worth of global greenhouse gas emissions (WWF).
Sustainable snacks will be served that you and your family will enjoy.
Dr.Serpil Guran is the Director of Rutgers EcoComplex 'Clean Energy Innovation Center'. She also manages the new RutgersX EcoIgnite: Clean Energy Proof of Concept Center and Accelerator program.
Xenia Morin is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Rutgers Dept. of Plant Biology. She is also a member of Rutgers Climate Institute as well as the Institute for Earth, Oceans and Atmospheric Sciences.
- Jenifer Shukaitis, MPH, is a Family & Community Health Sciences Educator at the Dept. of Family and Community Health Sciences, Rutgers Cooperative extension.
- Dr. Yvette Schlussel is a Research Scientist in the Nutritional Science Department at Rutgers University. As a medical researcher, she is active in promoting practices which increase community health.