for Museum and Library Service Finalist

a model of a cross section of a brain

Brain Health (Zoom)

Aug 27 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Registration requested for this free program. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUofu2sqTopHNV9MyBF6-_RDNHE_x7K0FGz

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Meeting ID: 815 9447 1361

Passcode: 288327

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What can we do to improve our memory? Do you like crossword puzzles? Sudoku? What are some things you do or can do to help keep your brain healthy? What foods can you eat to improve your brain health? Come explore some ways you can maintain good brain health!


Samantha Malinger is a Senior Support Specialist / Crisis Counselor with the RWJ Hope and Healing program. The program is funded through FEMA to provide support to those who might need some extra help during COVID times. They have programs Tuesdays through Fridays to connect people who want a place to connect to others, to learn together and laugh together. 

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