for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Photo of Jamie Novak and a clean kitchen

5 Steps to Declutter Your Kitchen Today with Jamie Novak (Zoom)

Mar 24 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Register to attend this event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEscu2qpz8oHdCZIvTcKybvSx1jx_hLI0Ye

This is the program for you if your counter tops are covered in stuff and your drawers and cabinets won’t close. If your kitchen needs an organizing makeover then join us online when author and organizer Jamie Novak reveals her five steps to declutter your kitchen today. She’ll guide you through a LIVE mini de-cluttering session and by the end of the program you’ll be prepared to successfully tidy the heart of your home.

Jamie Novak has been seen on TV, writes for Readers Digest and author of multiple bestsellers, including Keep This, Toss That! Visit her website at jamienovak.com


Sponsored by the Friends of the Library


  • To dial-in via telephone for audio instead of joining the webinar: 929-436-2866
    • Meeting ID: 851 5429 4274
    • Passcode: 048977




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