The East Brunswick Friends of the Library want you—actually, your chili—for their first-ever Chili Cook Off at the East Brunswick Public Library (2 Jean Walling Civic Drive) on Sunday, February 16 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
They are looking for chefs to share their best chili, whether it be beef, chicken or vegetarian. Prizes will be awarded: the grand prize is $100, runner up is $50 and second runner up is $25.
If you would like to share your chili, you can register by e-mailing friends@ebpl.org.
Here is some additional information on what you need to bring:
Your chili! We suggest a 12 quart pot to ensure having enough for everyone to have a taste. -
Crock pot (any size) to serve your samples from -
Serving spoon -
A creative name for your chili -
Optional toppings or condiments -
A list of all ingredients.
All participants will be provided with an outlet to plug into, table space, a nametag for your chili, and sample cups for voters. Participants can start setting up at 12:00 pm.
If you would like to sample and vote for the best chili, tickets are $10 and will be available later this month.