for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Take a Business Break:Choosing a Business Entity (ZOOM)

Nov 21 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

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Topic Choosing a business entity—Sole Proprietorship, LLC, S or C Corporation

One of the first decisions you have to make when getting started in business is the form of entity. There are serious legal, governance and tax consequences when making this decision. Some of these can be easily undone or changed, while others cannot be changed without added costs. This program will compare the various choices and show which would be more favorable under varying situations.  Some situations to be covered include:

  • how personal liability can be limited;
  • which entity can be changed with absolutely no tax effect and which could have high tax cost;
  • which would be better for a nonresident alien to own;
  • which would allow initial losses to be fully deductible on your personal tax return;
  • which would be better if there were employees or independent contractors;
  • which would be better if you were a consultant in certain industries rather than a manufacturer or seller of a product;
  • which would enable you to remain personally anonymous if that is necessary for your situation;
  • which would be better if there were to be investor funding or bank loans.

Presenter:  Edward Mendlowitz, CPA, is emeritus partner at WithumSmith+Brown, PC and is one of Accounting Today’s 100 Most Influential People. Ed has written 30 books, over 1500 articles and blogs and presented over 350 speeches to accountants and general audiences. He is a licensed certified public accountant and is accredited by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) in business valuation and as a personal financial specialist (PFS). He teaches courses on financial analysis and managerial accounting at FDU and Baruch College.

This event will be held on the Zoom platform.  Please make sure you have the application installed on your computer, iOS, or Android device.

This event is not recorded. All attendees who register with an email address will receive a digital copy of Ed's presentation/handout.

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Event Details
Online Event/Program: 
Adults, BRC
Attendance Type: 
Registration Required
This event is Library Sponsored.