for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Take a Business Break: Money $ecrets of the Rich and Famous

Jul 15 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Please register in advance for this program.  Click on Join Event to register.

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Description: The financial affairs of many well-known celebrities, politicians, performers and the super-rich will be described along with tips on how you can adopt some of these techniques or how you can avoid some harmful actions.  Included will be techniques to maintain privacy, by-pass probate, give cash generously to charities without writing a check or reducing your bank balance, invest with minimal risk, and avoid being swindled.  The presenter will also tell tales of inheritances, famous family fights over bequests and legacies, and some maneuvers that landed people in jail or in bankruptcy. The program promises to be a real eye-opener as well as an informative and educational look into the investing habits, financial management and tax loopholes enjoyed by those bold enough to reach out for them.

Presenter: Edward Mendlowitz, CPA, is emeritus partner at WithumSmith+Brown, PC and is one of Accounting Today’s 100 Most Influential People. Ed is the author of 29 books and has written over 1500 articles and blogs and developed and presented over 350 speeches to accountants and general audiences. He is a licensed certified public accountant and is accredited by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) in business valuation and as a personal financial specialist (PFS). He teaches courses on financial analysis and managerial accounting in the MBA program at Fairleigh Dickinson University.  

This event will be held on the Zoom platform.  Please make sure you have the application installed on your computer, iOS, or Android device.


Event Details
Online Event/Program: 
Adults, BRC