Take a Business Break: How to Vet and Engage an Attorney, Accountant and other Financial Advisors (Zoom)
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Description: Choosing a professional for your business or personal financial affairs is a blind process for many. Usually the choice is based on personality and the referral comes from friends, and many times there is more that needs to be done. Find out some key questions to ask and some of the responses that should be expected before you make these critical decisions. Also discussed will be fees and some extras that are typically charged and some hidden payments that you could be unaware of that you should ask about. The program will help you understand which advisors are not looking out for you, but more so for themselves, and why you should NEVER engage them.
Presenter: Edward Mendlowitz, CPA, is emeritus partner at WithumSmith+Brown, PC and is one of Accounting Today’s 100 Most Influential People. Ed is the author of 29 books and has written over 1500 articles and blogs and developed and presented over 350 speeches to accountants and general audiences. He is a licensed certified public accountant and is accredited by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) in business valuation and as a personal financial specialist (PFS). He teaches courses on financial analysis and managerial accounting in the MBA program at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
This event will be held on the Zoom platform. Please make sure you have the application installed on your computer, iOS, or Android device.