for Museum and Library Service Finalist

East Brunswick Public Library is closed August 31 - September 2 in observance of the Labor Day Weekend Holiday.

PBS The Future of Work Part II

Feb 1 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Remote program only

Join Zoom Meeting

Go to : https://zoom.us  

Meeting ID: 815 0261 6387
Passcode: 742004

Please use the Meeting ID and Passcode above to join the Zoom Meeting.

On Part II the documentary will cover what people can do to futureproof their skills, do not miss it even if you did not watch Part I. 

Future of Work is a three-part broadcast series exploring monumental changes in the workplace and the long-term impact on workers, employers, educators, and communities.

Part I: The new industrial Revolution, Jan 25 at 7 pm.

Part II:  Futureproof, Feb 1 at 7:00 pm.


Part III:  Changing Work, Changing Workers, Feb 8 at 7:00 pm

Patrons can choose to see the film remotely or in person.

Are you watching the documentary remotely? To receive the Zoom invitation, Sign up here.

Are you watching the documentary in-person at EBPL? Visit the Information Services Desk or call 732-390-6767 to reserve your spot.

A maximum of 15 attendees allowed in-person.

Future of Work is a PBS documentary.

Event is made possible by a PBS free community screening initiative.

Photo caption: Navy soldiers train on computer screens.

Photo credit: GBH.

This program will NOT be recorded.


Event Details
Online Event/Program: 
Adults, BRC