for Museum and Library Service Finalist

Intro to Web Design (on Zoom) Part 2/3, +15yo

Dec 8 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

This class will introduce attendees to the basics of Web Design, attendees will create a simple Web with HTML, P5Js, and CSS. Attendees will also be able to publish web site using GitHub. 

Audience: +15 years old. 

Registration: email me ybombardiere@ebpl.org to be added to this class. 

GitHub Pages lets you take a GitHub repository and turn it into a webpage. In other words, you can use a GitHub repository to host your HTML, CSS, and p5.js files.


This class takes a top-down approach, emphasizing mastery of high-level concepts with hand on practice with easy-to-follow tutorials.


Create an account with GitHub by Signing Up: https://github.com/signup?ref_cta=Sign+up&ref_loc=header+logged+out&ref_...

Create an account with JSFiddle by Signing Up: https://jsfiddle.net/user/signup/

Create an account with Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/ebpl-techskillsformc/shared_invite/zt-1kagwcvrm...

Please plan to join the meeting 10 minutes prior to the program so your device has time to connect.

  • Firefox or Chrome internet browsers are recommended for this class. 
    • For Firefox go here
    • For Chrome go here.
  • A Computer or Smart Phone is required to watch and hear this class
  • To follow along with the virtual class, we suggest having two devices or two monitors during the class. On one device you can watch the class and on the other, you can use the application. Or you can use one desktop/laptop and two browsers, follow this article to learn how. 
  • If you have a camera & microphone, you will be muted during the program. Unmute yourself to talk or use the chat box to ask questions. Questions are encouraged. 
  • Audience: Adults
  • This Session will be recorded. 

Cost of class: Free.

Any questions email me at ybombardiere@ebpl.org 45 min before the meeting or call 732-390-6767  before 7:00 pm.


Event Details
Online Event/Program: 
Adults, BRC