Research Databases & Tools

EBSCOhost MasterFile Elite
MasterFILE Elite contains over 1,000 magazines about business, health, history, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more.

Home News Tribune
The Home News Tribune has been digitized and is searchable upon request at the Information Desk. The newspaper is digitized from 1871- 1916 and 1970-2022.

Legal Information Reference Center
Providing exclusive online full text for many of the top consumer legal reference books, Legal Information Reference Center contains more than 225 full-text publications and thousands of legal...

Military OneSource
Military OneSource is a Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information on every aspect of military life at no cost to active duty and transitioning service members and...

Points of View Reference Center
This database is easy to read and covers both sides of controversial subjects facing society today. Find full articles to help you develop an argument, write a paper, or debate your point of view...